No, I'm not talking about jacking it all in or closing the website, but there will be loads of site that will be considering it. Fortunately, we aren't affected by this issue because of our sites 100% free. 

When I say 100% free I mean totally free. The reason I say that is some 'free' websites use these links to fund their venture, so although they are 'free', they are in fact using you to bring in the money. 
Someone told me once, "if you are not buying a product from a website, then you are the product."
Yes, I'm talking about the news that Sky is closing, Axing, turning off their affiliate link program.. 

Yes.. It's gone. No more will you see them flooding Twitter with endless tweets, with links to bet slips, for which they profit when you lose. Is this the bookies taking steps to protect you, the punter?

Not a chance. 

They may well spin it that way, but it's not. They're reacting to the huge fine that 888 were slapped with for not protecting their customers. So call me an old cynic, but I'd say Sky are taking this action in order to avoid a 6 figure fine, rather than worrying about the Jo '5 fold acca' public.
So what does this mean in the real world? Well, for one Twitter will be a bloody site quieter once all the sites that pedal these links hit the logout button for the last time.

You don't have to look very hard to find them, almost all of those who knock out 100 tweets a day riddled with the links will no doubt fold as quickly as their bets lose. 
Why would they carry on once the dosh stops rolling in? Little point in tipping losing bets if you're not getting paid for it?

secondly, Sky will not be the last. I'm in no doubt that the rest of the big players will follow suit. We all know that Bet365 are one of, if not the largest and when/if they decide to shut the doors, turn off the taps, shoot the cash cow, you'll see a HUGE amount of tipping sites and Twitter accounts closed
So why is this a good thing?

Well, for a start it means that the naive punter will no longer be sucked in by a flashy website offering free tips, while making it easy for them to place their bets, by popping a handy link to their bookie of choice.
 We will see an end to the utterly ridiculous £20-£1000000 'challenges' we see pop up almost daily( yes I know some are legit ).
Why they call it a challenge, I'll never know, as it's borderline impossible to win, as those running them appear to be setting you up to lose.

For too long the title of 'tipster' has been run down and degraded by those whose sole reason for existing online, is to offer up advice designed to see people lose.
For too long you'd find yourself wading through endless tweets from accounts set up three days ago, who already have 15k followers all 'BOOMING' each other to death. 
At times I find myself wondering why I bother running the website, when I see the tosh that others churn out, whilst their loyal followers gobble up their reckless advice.

Why so many good guys do it for gratis, when it would take about 30 seconds to sign up to one of these programs and make a few bob. 

Well, the tides are turning and I'll be stood front and center while the wheels fall off this juggernaut. Now, I'm not stupid (I said leave it), I know that they'll soon find another way to monetize their sites, but this will at the very least slow them down a bit.

The bookies might not be doing it for the right reasons, but it's good news.

watch this space people as things are going to get very interesting over the next few months.
Thanks for reading (assuming you bothered to get this far)