Zachariah Oliver's story: sent in by @ZacAttacksBigC @daggers1504 - IrishRacing7 Zachariah Oliver's story: sent in by @ZacAttacksBigC @daggers1504

Zachariah Oliver's story: sent in by @ZacAttacksBigC @daggers1504

There is a price on our little boy's life and we can't afford it. This huge amount is only achievable with everyone's help. Together we can give him the chance of a first day of school, riding a bike without stabilisers, falling in love, getting married, traveling, just growing up.

Zachariah Oliver was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of childhood Leukaemia (Near Haploid) in May 2018. After 3 months of treatment, his results are not what we had hoped. The chemo hasn't killed the cancer, so what's the alternative...

The UK panel of doctors have stated that Zac does not meet the criteria in the UK for the CAR-T trail and that he must re-lapse before he is eligible. All research states that children with Zac's diagnosis and positive MRD mostly die due to relapse. We know he will relapse because of his poor cytogenetics. We will not watch him die. We will not wait for his little body to become weak from all the toxic chemotherapy before giving our little boy what could be life-saving treatment.

We started desperately searching for somewhere that would offer the treatment. Some Clinical trials have come to fruition in America, (CAR-T) although it is still classed as experimental it has been used for 5 years now and has saved several lives.

We strive to get Zac the best possible treatment to give him the best chance of survival and a fighting chance for life, Zachariah is only 4 so he has a whole life to yet live.

Philadelphia Children's hospital have Quoted $625,000 to carry out the treatment, the original Quote was $1,250,000 but this was reduced with the subsidy of some treatments. we would also have to relocate for a sustained period of time of which we are not sure yet.

Please help us get him to America and give him the best fighting chance.